Videogrep makes automatic video supercuts with [Python].

videogrep with Search Parameters

videogrep -i 'input_file.mkv' --search 'keyword' --search 'alternative_keyword' -r -o output_file.mp4
  • Searches for videos containing both specified keywords (case-insensitive) in the input file (input_file.mkv) and outputs a new video file (output_file.mp4).
  • The -r flag enables reverse search.
  • The [number] placeholder can be used to specify a range of timestamps for each search result, but it is not used in this example.

videogrep with Multi-Search Parameters

videogrep -i 'input_file.mkv' --search 'keyword1' --search 'keyword2' -r -o output.mp4
  • Performs a search for videos containing both specified keywords (keyword1 and keyword2) in the input file (input_file.mkv) and outputs a new video file (output.mp4).
  • The -r flag enables reverse search.
videogrep -i 'rw_raw_2.mp4' --search 'theater' --search 'spiritual' -r -o spiritualtheater.mp4
  • This is identical to the previous example, searching for videos containing both “theater” and “spiritual” keywords in rw_raw_2.mp4 and outputting a new file named spiritualtheater.mp4.